Shri Gujarati Samaj

At present Shri Gujarati Samaj is a large educational organization dedicated to the cause of education. It represents, not only the City, but entire Madhya Pradesh. It is running 9 colleges and 6 schools today. The Samaj has also made its foray in the medical field with onset of Homeopathy Medical College and Research Center. Similarly career oriented courses have been included in Professional Colleges. The Samaj started B. Ed. College in July 2005 and a new college namely Shri Gujarati Samaj Innovative College of Commerce & Science (English Medium) in July 2006. The Samaj has also started College of Pharmacy in July, 2007.
Around 1100 teachers and other employees are serving to the cause of imparting education and near about 22,000 students are taking education under the aegis of the Samaj. It is a matter of pride for the Samaj that amongst every 7 students of the University one student belongs to Gujarati College. Shri Gujarati Samaj has given Political Leaders, Ministers, I.A.S. Officers, successful Industrialists, Scientists etc. to the nation. Another achievement of the Samaj is that the MP Minority Commission has also recognized the educational institutions run by Shri Gujarati Samaj as educational institutions run by the Linguistic Minority Community and given it Linguistic Minority Certificate. Shri Gujarati Samaj also gives financial support to women for self reliance. Gujarati women are given free training of Tailoring.
Various linguistic & cultural exchange Programmes are organized from time to time. The Samaj has built R.R. Contractor Guest House for the convenience of travellers and 200 people can be accommodated here. Shri Gujarati Samaj is also open to the thought of social service and the following charitable services are being run by it :
- Smt. Rukhamaniben Deepchandbhai Gardi Parmarthic Charitable Trust Ambulance Service.
- Smt. Kamlaben Raojibhai Patel Community Hall, Nasia Road, Indore.
- Shri Gujarati Samaj Seva Vahan.
- Shri Gujartai Samaj Polio Centre.
- 8 O.P.D. Centre of Homeop athic.
The Main aim of the Samaj is service without any self interest.
College having glorious background of Shri Gujarati Samaj, Indore.
College has completed its seven years successfully with above 95% result.